Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 4-Written Assignment

Module 4-Written Assignment

Q For this assignment, demonstrate your understanding of Ren and other key concepts of Confucian ethics by choosing one of the following options: • Write a Poem • Write lyrics and/or record a Song (may be an original tune or a parody) • Write a script and/or record a TV or Radio Commercial • Create a PowerPoint Presentation • Create a Movie Poster • Create a Travel Brochure

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“Ren” is being defined as a Confucian virtue that brings into focus certain good quality of a virtuous human being when he or she is found to be altruistic. Ren is being exemplified by a normal adult’s protective feeling for his or her children. It is being considered as a form of outward expression based on Confucian ideals. Basically, the concept of Ren, demonstrates certain presuppositions that is considered as the characteristics of Confucian philosophical anthropology. This particular concept of Confucian does prehistorically view the each individuals of the society not just as morally autonomous but also as social well being whose identity has been derived from his or her scale of interaction with conduct received within a broader human community.